
Save&Invest with Ease

Want to save with ease, join millions of users saving on the go.



About Us

We operate our services without boundaries.

Savingschest is the premium savings platform in Nigeria. Using technology we make it easy for our customers to save and access their savings with ease.

Saving for a raining day, a specific purpose is easier with Savingschest.


Why choose us

Client likes seeing how easy and simple it is to save with us.

Our goal at Savingschest is to make it easy to plan towards a savings objective. The features are tailor designed to enable users manage and control their savings on the go.

  • Transparent

    Simplified process to save for that goal. You can plan towards a goal or objective and see your growth

  • Secured

    Savingschest is a secured platform verified and protected by law. Our systems are protected all round the clock

  • Easy Goals

    Setting up multiple goals to achieve is easy. Your savings can be automated to suit your desire and achieve that savings goal.

  • Interest

    Savingschest offer interest on savings goals or objectives. We give you high returns on your savings

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